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Packing Essentials 101: Travel Prepared

The countdown to your vacation is always exhilarating and causes our mind to jump in a million and one directions, because of this we might forget to pack essential items or forget to do certain things to prepare for a smooth trip. No worries, I'm here to make sure you check everything off before your vaykay!

Packing Essentials 101:Travel Prepared: Traveling Tips

Prepare for Your Trip with Travel Packing Tips

Knowledge For the Savvy Traveler

Packing Essentials 101:Travel Prepared: Travel Tips

                                      PACKING YOUR CHECKED BAG

"What should I pack?", "How can I fit all my stuff?", these are questions we all ask ourselves when starting the packing process. Here's some tips on what to pack and how to pack.

  • Monitor the weather

After booking your trip, if you haven't already researched the usual weather conditions and seasons of the place you're visiting, you should add that location on your phone's weather app. Always check the temperatures and conditions closer to your departure date so you can pack accordingly. 

  • Pre- plan outfits 

  • Instead of just shoving a bunch of random stuff inside of your suitcase, put together outfits for each day of your trip and any special activities you plan on doing that require a certain attire. 

  • Process of elimination

Once you put all your outfits together, lay them out and really think to yourself if you need all options! Don't over pack, put back ​any outfits that you think you won't be using.

  • Space savers​

If you're going on a long trip, have a small suitcase or simply can't put any outfit options back, you're going to love this little trick.​ I always use compression or vacuum seal storage bags! Place all your outfits inside of the bag, then get all the air out and put it in your suitcase. You will end up having extra room for any other items you need to pack like toiletries or shoes, etc. You can also use the roll up method to utilize space as well.

  • Souvenir and dirty clothes storage

I always put an extra carry on sized bag at the bottom of my suitcase before placing anything else inside. Going on vacation usually means you're going to end up coming home with a few souvenirs for you and your loved ones. Packing this extra carry on bag reduces the hassle of trying to make everything you came with fit into the same suitcase along with all your extra goodies you bought. You can also use this bag to separate dirty clothes from clean clothes if you didn't wear everything you packed. In addition to the extra handy carry on bag, I like to pack a few ziplock like clothes bags. Sometimes when you order clothes, they will ship the items to you in individual clothes bags. I use these for under garments or a bathing suit that hasn't dried by the time it's time to go. 


  • Always place a luggage tag on your suitcase in the event that your baggage gets lost. You can also place a tag inside of your bag incase the luggage tag falls off in transit. Recently I purchased an Apple Tag and nestled that inside of my checked bag so that I can track the device/suitcase myself if needed. 



Your carry on bag should hold any important documents and valuables! NEVER pack expensive or legal documents in your checked bag. Here's a few things to make sure you place in your carry on:

  • Passport

  • Drivers license/ID

  • Additional form of identification

  • COVID-19 vaccination card

  • Important documents

  • Cash

  • Credit cards

  • Valuables

  • Expensive jewelry

  • Electronics

  • Charger

  • Sunglasses

  • Reading glasses/contacts

  • Inhaler/important medications

  • Mask

  • Hand sanitizer

  • Sterile gloves

  • Sanitary wipes

  • Airplane pillow

  • Travel Blanket

  • Headphones/ear plugs

  • Sleep mask

  • Empty metal water bottle (fill up after you pass security so you're not thirsty on your flight!)

  • Gum (chew a piece right when you're taking off, this helps your ears from popping)

Packing Essentials 101:Travel Prepared: Text
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